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dada pogrom - sinistar

Here we have three different mixes of Sinistar from the Rats Live On nO eviL staR album.

Sinistar was inspired by the music of Doom. This game was the number one reason for lack of productivity within the engineering sector in the year of 1994. Sinistar comes out of vague recollections of squandered hours or months or weeks. These songs are remixes of each other with no one of them being the root and no one of them being a branch.

There are lyrics to Sinistar but not recorded in any of these versions. The listener is intended to skald them.

Error 144 astonished everyone at the 2013 Lokað festival in Reykjavík by covering Sinistar, lyrics and all.
dada pogrom sinistar


i love doom, it changed my life
living in its world of virtual strife
never had I seen a better game before
the loss of productivity in '94

i love doom 1 6 6 6
blasting all the demons by the river styx
when i run out of ammo i always find more
monster holocaust through every door

in its sinistar world of nonstop action
chainsaws gives me such satisfaction
with a bfg 9000, rockets and a gun
chewing up the imps is so much fun

I love doom all times of the day
from my computer I never stray
grab a stimpack and join the frey
oh doom, doom, it is for you that I play

Verse 1:
doom installation swamped my computer
it was more demanding than an ansi c tutor
I was obsolete so I had to do an upgrade
spent a lot of money so the game could get played

my 386 was bumped up to a 4
it used a lot of memory so I got a lot more
a huge colour screen and a big comfy chair
a computer sound system to complete my lair

the upgrade effort took several days
but in the end I was ready to play
with only a pistol I entered phobos base
my life before doom at that moment erased

i became a brave soldier of the U A C
my job to make Phobos moon demon free
using my just weapons and killer instinct
to blast or chainsaw every extant monster extinct

Chorus 2: (more people)
we love doom, it changed our lives
living in its world of virtual strife
never had we seen a better game before
the loss of productivity in '94

we love doom 1 6 6 6
blasting all the demons by the river styx
when we run out of ammo we always find more
monster holocaust through every door

we love doom for the nonstop action
chainsaws gives us such satisfaction
with a bfg 9000, rockets and a gun
chewing up the imps is so much fun

we love doom all times of the day
from our computers we never stray
grab a stimpack and join the frey
oh doom, doom, it is for you that we play

Verse 2:
advancing in the zone from room to room
generously dispensing out techno doom
sometimes with a shotgun or a plasma rifle
each filth covered monster i would stifle

hords of former sergeants in rotten black armour
straggling zombie humans with a dirty palour
invisible creatures of deadly skill
all of these beasts for me to killl

with computer maps programmed to guide me
stim pack med kits scattered to revive me
in rooms reminiscent of frank lloyd wright
a merciless battle in which i could delight

always hoping to find the next bfg soon
the fearsome noble weapon that can clear a room
a backpack of ammo is a welcome boon
i want to live in the land of doom

Chorus 3: (even more people)
we love doom, it changed our lives
living in its world of virtual strife
never had we seen a better game before
the loss of productivity in '94

we love doom 1 6 6 6
blasting all the demons by the river styx
when we run out of ammo we always find more
monster holocaust through every door

we love doom for the nonstop action
chainsaws gives us such satisfaction
with a bfg 9000, rockets and a gun
chewing up the imps is so much fun

we love doom all times of the day
from our computers we never stray
grab a stimpack and join the frey
oh doom, doom, it is for you that we play

Verse 3:
the cheats are... I D K F A
give me the weapons that i need to play
and then... I D D Q D
now I am a god and nothing can slay me

when I find another berserk pack
i will use my fists and go on the attack
finding all of the secrets with the usenet faq
emptying my chaingun in a baron's back

standing alone, knee deep in the dead
filling countless monsters' bellies with lead
tasting the inferno on the shores of hell
consumed by visions of a job done well

my feelings on doom are well thought through
lets ask my producer if this is true
hey you, is doom really all right?
"yes, believe the hype"

Chorus 4: (everyone)
we love doom, it changed our lives
living in its world of virtual strife
never had we seen a better game before
the loss of productivity in '94

we love doom 1 6 6 6
blasting all the demons by the river styx
when we run out of ammo we always find more
monster holocaust through every door

we love doom for the nonstop action
chainsaws gives us such satisfaction
with a bfg 9000, rockets and a gun
chewing up the imps is so much fun

we love doom all times of the day
from our computers we never stray
grab a stimpack and join the frey
oh doom, doom, it is for you that we play

(by kenneth walter balys)

track list:
01) sinistar voodoo mix [05:26]
02) sinistar thule mix [03:57]
03) sinistar laugavegur mix [04:53]
04) bombs old chap [02:12]

sinistar voodoo mix credits:
produced by anthony valcic
mixed at the warehouse, vancouver
mastered by noah mintz at the lacquer channel, toronto
written and performed by kenneth walter balys
sound effects and sample engineering steven waller

sinistar thule mix credits:
produced by kenneth walter balys
recorded at thule studios, reykjavík, iceland
engineered by aron arnarsson
mastered by noah mintz at the lacquer channel, toronto
written and performed by kenneth walter balys

sinistar laugavegur mix credits:
produced by kenneth walter balys
recorded at laugavegur 53b, reykjavík, iceland
mastered by noah mintz at the lacquer channel, toronto

bombs old chap credits:
produced by kenneth walter balys
recorded at thule studios, reykjavík, iceland
engineered by aron arnarsson
mastered by noah mintz at the lacquer channel, toronto
written and performed by kenneth walter balys

released 2007
format: compact disk
product identification: BKEP200705W

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