vt101 calculator

music video :: dada pogrom :: isomorph

dada pogrom - isomorph

Isomorph is a one off recording to tape of a sh101 synth solo
with effects. This video is a reflection of the
ordered chaos of the music.

Director and Producer: Ken Balys

Format: DV

Tape Stock: Ampex 456 @ 15ips

Recorded at: LBR, Vancouver

Produced at: LBR, Toronto

Mastering: Special Circumstances

From Album: Narrow Kamp

Artist: Dada Pogrom

Fair Use Agreement:
You may download this video for
private viewing only. Reproduction,
distribution, etc. of any part or
whole is prohibited. In downloading
you are agreeing to these terms.
©2003, 2005 Beatkamp Inc.

.+. nameless ones softly identify neutron .+.
thursday, december 26, 2024 14:46:45 utc
©2024 beatkamp incorporated